Monday, September 12, 2011

What's in a Name: Embrace the Bhan

With my name spelled and pronounced the way it is, you have *no idea* -- I mean NO IDEA -- how many nicknames I've had over the years. When I was born, so the story goes, my 3- and 5-year old brother and sister couldn't pronounce my name so they called me Shebon. As a result, my family and closest friends have always called me Bon (now spelled Bhan). In middle and high school, I was Shibby or Sio. A friend accidentally called me Slobodan and I quickly put an end to tolerating nicknames that connect me with war criminals. There was also 'Swabahot,' which I liked for it's ethnic connotation. Update: In front of colleagues, one buddy called me Shabooty. And a college roommate just reminded me of Shivvers.

Once I got to college turned 21 I even had a 'bar name' which I gave up three years ago as part of a New Years resolution. Imagine the scene: a crowded, noisy bar on a Saturday night. I look hot and a guy tries to hit on me. 

"Hey, what's your name?" 
"Oh, Amy, nice to meet you. I'm {{a jackass}}." 

I used 'Amy' also for restaurant reservations, picking up my food order at Panera, etc. It only became complicated when I was out with my friend Amy. Luckily, however, she often went by 'Stephanie' and I call her La La. 

In my late 20s, it was clearly time to Embrace the Bhan. Now I go through the process of explaining the pronunciation -- and occasionally my entire heritage -- anytime I whip out a credit card, my drivers' license, or my first name in general. 100% of the time, people are courteous and even complimentary about my name.
I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks, parents. I love my name.

P.S. I updated the "Siobhan" Wikipedia page to include the phonetic spelling I used through fifth grade.


  1. Alas, I think I may be the one person who has EVERY IDEA of what you mean. I switched to "Shawn" somewhere around 18 and never looked back. In fact, I'm surprised how many idiots get Shawn wrong! I've seen someone write Sean more times than I can count. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that Sarah Michelle Gellar's new show on the CW this fall features a character named Siobhan!

  2. Hi TryingSane - were you a Siobhan before you became Shawn? Or is this Shawnta? I did know that SMG's new show features a character named Siobhan and I have to admit it kinda grates on my nerves every time she pronounces it 'Shevaan' when it should rhyme with 'leprechaun,' not 'leprecaan.'

  3. I've continued to rock the Jenn, Shiv... :)
