Thursday, October 27, 2011

"My Rock Bottom: There Wasn't One"

After extensive research* it would appear that everyone who needs to make a lifestyle change does so only after hitting rock bottom.

Unfortunately for you, dear reader, I don't have a dramatic story for you about how I hit rock bottom and started reversing the weight-gain trend.

Nobody asked me how far along I was. 

There wasn't an "I can't zip my favorite pants" epiphany.

I didn't find myself with a fistful of nachos dripping down my chin and think, 'I've gone too far.'

Instead, my turn-around was -- much like my weight gain -- quiet and gradual. Over the last summer, every morning I would enthusiastically think, 'I'll go for a run tonight!' But, without fail, by the time I got home I was simply out of steam. Genius that I am, one day I just decided to capitalize on my morning energy and go for a sunrise run.

Goes with my "just start" philosophy. Simple enough.

*I Binged it and glanced at one article.

1 comment:

  1. nice...and nice sunset. too bad you never experienced that feeling of nacho cheese dripping down your chin...HAHA...I laughed at that one.
